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Personal Injury

What to Do After a Tampa Car Accident?

By March 18, 2020March 27th, 2020No Comments

What to Do After a Tampa Car Accident?

The How to Guide to increase knowledge and Understanding!

Save Yourself Time By Doing the Following:

Below is a list of Steps you must take after being involved in a Tampa Car Accident.

Do Not Do The Following

Post Accident Conversations

After an Accident has occurred, Do not make any comments to the other party. Statements like “This was all my fault”, “I am so sorry”, or any type of apology regarding the incident.

Reasoning – unfortunately after an accident both sides will pit blame on one another and the statements you make at the scene may be used as evidence against you during a Tampa Car Accident lawsuit.

Insurance Settlement Paperwork

After an Accident has occurred, Do not sign any settlement agreements from the Insurance company before speaking to a Tampa Car Accident Attorney.

Reasoning – The insurance company has its interest in mind during all phases of its representation and may try to have you settle as soon as possible. When a settlement takes place and you accept their compensation, you may lose your rights to file a Florida Personal Injury claim later. Always hire a Tampa Car Accident attorney to review the facts of your case and help determine the best course of action when dealing with insurance companies

The Law Office of Mahmud Yennes has you covered

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To efficiently represent our clients, we must strive to effectively communicate to our clients’ their needs and discuss all plausible actions before striving for a resolution.

Mahmud Yennes, ESQ.Attorney at Law

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Managing your account is easy, just click here to sign up. Once signed up you will be able to view files, bills, and other aspects of your representation.

How secure is the admin area?

All files are stored on a secure server, confidential/restricted files are stored on a seperate secured offline server and will not be available online due to security concerns.

How do I cancel my account?

To close your online profile, reach out to [email protected]. All client related documents are retained on an offline server (will not be deleted if you decide to close your online profile.

Mahmud Yennes

Author Mahmud Yennes

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